Saturday, July 3, 2010


Force shits on Reason's head.

(with thanks to Ben Franklin)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

On Your Own.

 You’re never on your own unless you’re on your own.

Act A Fool

Sometimes you will make a fool out of yourself. It’s okay.


Choose which judgment days to live in light of.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


We're all connected.


Live as if your life depended on it.


Teach as if you're the student. 


It has to happen to somebody.


Remain calm.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Nature 2.

Nature just is. Take note.

No Complaining.

No complaining.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Life as in Music.

Do something. Then do something else. Then come back and do it again.

There ain't nobody...

There ain't nobody who needs nobody. 

(Lori McKenna)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

When In Doubt...

When in doubt, see rule number one.


Don't bite the baby.

Hard work.

Hard work isn't everything.


A man thinks no one is as wise as he thinks he himself to be.


You can't just stop a flood with a drought. 

The Young People.

Ask the young people - they know everything.

Step Back.

Step back and look around.

The Rising Tide.

Beware the rising tide.

Beware the Extremists!

Beware the Extremists! And beware of those who say Beware the Extremists!

...Let it go.

Learn when to let it go.

Occam's Razor.

The simplest explanation might just be the right one.


Dare to disturb the Universe.

Love Your Neighbor.

Love your neighbor, but lock your car.

Monday, December 28, 2009

True religion.

Seeing emptiness, have compassion.

The Greatest Thing.

The only thing greater than the breath in your own lungs is the breath in the lungs of those you love.


Make sure charity leaves home.

New Year.

Every day is a new year.


The poets are right about Nature.


Stay ready.

Good Old Days.

One day these will be the good old days.


Sing that song.


Expect to be disappointed. 


Love is as grand as infinite space, and as local as talks in the kitchen.

On your own.

You're never on your own, unless you're on your own.


The sunrise never knows your name.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Directions aren't always directions. 


Don't break the mold - eat around it.


When all else fails, consider the directions. 


It is what it is.


Feel what you feel.


All your parents' cliches will one day be yours.


Don't set anything on fire that doesn't need to be on fire.

School Rule #1

No motorcycles on the desks.

Measure twice.

Measure at least twice, maybe three times, and cut once. 

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Never say goodbye, say "'til then" or "so long." It makes for better thoughts.


Luck does not exist.


Fortune favors the bold, stubborn, stupid, and restless.


When Life gives you Lemons, remember there are no Lemons, and Life is Life. 

Lemons 2.

When Life gives you Lemons, be glad it's not shit. 

Lemons 3.

When Life gives you Lemons, demand water and sugar and a stand to sell Lemonade. 

Lemons 4.

When Life gives you Lemons, eat Lemons. 

Lemons 5.

When Life gives you Lemons, have at it. 


The problem with Democracy is that you have to trust the people.

Always Check Your Specs.

Always check your specs. 

The Favorite Rule.

Don't be an asshole.


To some it's just money and to others it's not just money.


Try to afford one luxury, even if it's butter.

Do no harm.

Do no harm.

Everybody counts.

Everybody counts.


However great or small, there is some purpose in what you're doing.

Rule #1

Not every day can be Christmas.


It's never too late to save.

Rule #1

Judgment day is happening all the time.

Rule #1

Hug and kiss things you love.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Rule #1

Sometimes zig, sometimes zag.

Rule #1

There is always someone to teach and someone to learn from.

Rule #1

Always be in the present moment when you can.

Rule #1

Share and share alike.

Rule #1

Call your mother.

Rule #1

Be as self aware as possible without disappearing.

Rule #1

There are always two situations: things could be worse, and things are now worse.

Rule #1

Always be grateful, no matter where or how you are.

Rule #1

Help out.

Rule #1

Embrace the power of letting go.

Rule #1

There is no war on Christmas.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Rule #1

Everything can be negotiated.


Whoever can master doing nothing well has solved all riddles.

Rule #1

When listening, just listening.

Rule #1

You can't give away what you don't have.

Rule #1

It's okay to be wrong.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Rule #1

The material is immaterial.

Rule #1

Be large, contain multitudes, contradict yourself. It's okay.

-(with thanks to Whitman).

Rule #1

It really is like anything else.

Rule #1

Sometimes the thousandth thought is the best thought.

Rule #1

If it's "too good to be true," then either it is, it's brand new, it hasn't been tested, someone is lying, or it's just right.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rule #1


Rule #1

Trust the animals and children, they won't steer you wrong.

Rule #1

Boys on the right, girls on the left.

Rule #1

The whole universe is within you.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rule #1

Do, don't doodoo.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rule #1

Every day pick something not to worry about.

Rule #1

Aside from juries and democracy and eternal academic argument about every topic possible, Truth is not relative.

Rule #1

You get four mistakes in life. Choose carefully.

Rule #1

People don't change.*

*(But sometimes they do.)